WCAT TV  | June 24,  2023CHI Board Member Dr. George Mychaskiw presents:The Medical FAQS Regarding the Ethical and Therapeutic Healthcare of Human Embryos who are Human Patients(Beginning at 51:27)In vitro…

Perhaps Dr. Frankenstein Was Just Misunderstood

In the past, we have discussed many aspects of Catholic bioethics as they apply to living human beings, born and unborn. Today, we find ourselves thinking about the human body, absent the eternal soul, that is, a corpse. There is something fundamentally unsettling about a dead body.

Murder for Amateurs

We have previously discussed the horrendous behavior of physicians, particularly in Nazi Germany, conducting research on living humans. Time and time again, history has shown that physicians are not more ethical, villainous or virtuous than anyone else. They do hold a position of advantage over the general public,

A Modest Proposal

Los Angeles has a terrible District Attorney. In most jurisdictions, the District Attorney is the chief prosecutor, or law enforcement officer, who leads a group of other prosecutors in bringing persons accused of committing crimes to trial and prosecuting them so that they will be punished for their alleged crime.

1810 All Over Again

Recently, I saw a news story regarding the Actress, Anna Kendrick, and her relationship struggles. She provided the following quote to People magazine, “I was with someone — this was somebody I lived with, for all intents and purposes my husband.

Children of a Lesser God, Part 3

This week, we find ourselves thinking about another group of very vulnerable human lives, those that are less than 6 days old, or so. Like newly hatched sea turtles returning to the ocean from the beach, the journey of the youngest children, from the fallopian tube to the uterus is fraught with hazard

Sex, Gender, Beanie Babies and Lost Luggage

People and societies are funny things. We are subject to fads. Mass hysteria of a sort, wherein something catches the public’s attention and, without good reason, takes hold of the culture and dominates the media, purchasing and personality. Most of us remember the beanie babies

Children of a Lesser God? Part 2

Last week, we discussed the, likely, millions of children who have been conceived through the evil of invitro fertilization (IVF) and now are frozen in a secular limbo, awaiting adoption (unlikely), death (more likely) or donation to “research” (repulsive). These children, created in the image and likeness of God, are the innocent victims

Children of a Lesser God?

Netflix is a repository for some truly heinous programming. If television is often some kind of junk food for the intellect, then Netflix is, perhaps, the equivalent of vending machine burritos, or gas station sushi; not really good for you. Nevertheless, we all occasionally stroll in the gutter