Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry.
- Padre Pio
Our Leadership Team is committed to prayer as essential to discerning God’s Will in our work and pursing our goals. Our supporters can greatly help us in our mission by praying for the success of our efforts.
Please join us in our daily
Prayer To Expand Padre Pio’s Casa Network
In keeping with Padre Pio's deep devotion to prayer, Casa USA is promoting several spiritual initiatives:
Worldwide Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Program: This is a worldwide network of Adorers praying around the clock in their local Eucharistic Adoration chapels for the Home for Relief and Suffering Hospital in Italy (Casa Italy) and the planned Catholic shrine, medical school, and hospital in Michigan (Casa USA).
Rosary Meditations: These are self-paced guided reflections for the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious mysteries, unfolding each mystery through the story of each decade and great works of art. The meditations focus on the traditional 150 Aves or Marian Psalter as popularized by St. Dominic de Guzman and St. Louis de Montfort.
Prayer Requests: We will pray for those who request it through our website with our personal Rosaries, Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Holy Hours, and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered by our Casa USA priests.
Operation Storm Heaven Campaign: This is Raymond Cardinal Burke’s worldwide spiritual crusade to storm Heaven with prayers to dispel the confusion in our beloved Church and to make reparation, spread hope, and stop advancement of evil in society. Rosary Warriors commit to praying the Rosary on the 1st of each month and can even choose to pray with His Eminence via livestream online. Prior to praying the Rosary each month, Cardinal Burke celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Rome in the Extraordinary Form to unite the prayers and intentions of everyone participating (also livestreamed). Cardinal Burke is the Episcopal Advisor for Casa USA. Click below to navigate to his external site.
Padre Pio Prayer Groups: These groups are an international movement initiated by Padre Pio in 1949 to be a source of constant prayer. Each Group, centered on prayer and charity, is unique in fulfilling a mission with the approval of the local bishop and under the spiritual guidance of a priest assistant. Fr. Francis Sariego is the National Coordinator of Padre Pio Prayer Groups USA, a board member of Casa USA, and an important partner in our work! Click below to navigate to their external site.
Hospital-Based Eucharistic Adoration: This is a global campaign to establish formal Eucharistic Adoration in the chapels of Catholic Hospitals around the world to deliver the healing ministry of Christ’s “real presence.”