Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured
The Terri Schiavo Home for tHE Brain Injured
Everyday people who are brain-injured are removed from basic care. The hospital systems diagnose too quickly and remove care before the brain can begin to heal. Please support the Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Inured that will provide a safe haven for the most vulnerable among us.
- People with brain injury can heal and they deserve a chance. We are called to stop the systematic killing of the most vulnerable.
- A collaboration with a world-class health system is in the works. With your support, this can happen!
- $500,000 per year per bed will save the lives of those most vulnerable among us. Together we can provide families with a safe haven.
Frequently asked questions
The Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain injured will be a place for those with brain injury to receive the care they so desperately need but are often denied. This Home will be dedicated to upholding human dignity through service to the medically vulnerable.
Every day, patients and families find themselves at-risk of their human dignity being violated due to a physician, medical institution, or insurance company with differing views about what sort of treatment they deserve. In the most extreme cases, patients face the prospect of someone in a position of power denying them food and water through forcible removal of a feeding tube. In more common cases, patients and families face other forms of denial of care that lead to poor, sometimes fatal, outcomes.
At the Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured each person be cared for with dignity and love. The families will be treated with respect and love. And no one will be starved to death. Ever.
The Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured will help those in the most critical danger of being removed from life-sustaining nutrition and hydration.
Phase 1 of the Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured will be housed within a world-class medical facility in the Howell, Michigan, area. When the Home for the Relief of Suffering campus in the Howell area is ready, the Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured will move onto the Medical Campus.
Phase 1 of the Terri Schiavo Home for the Brain Injured will provide care for those most in danger of being removed from care at another facility. In keeping with the Home for the Relief of Suffering mission to care for the body, mind, and soul, the care will include caring for the emotional needs of the family.
Since each person, each case, and each family if unique, a plan will be agreed upon for each person individually.